Towards Family Violence Prevention

As our talanoa evolved key themes were highlighted and this data organically presented, a way forward for our community to address family violence.

The strategy (below) shows a 3-phase approach. Each circle represents an aim and lists the target audience of each aim.

We begin with the inner most circle that begins with our Pasifika community. The aim is to build shared cultural knowledge and understanding of the impact of: our history; our own knowledge systems; our experiences of trauma and our perspectives of family violence and wellness. The circle lists key community groups and individuals to engage in this process.

Once there is a shared understanding amongst our communities, we move to the middle circle with other key stakeholders listed. The aim is to raise awareness of family violence within our communities as well as educating all key stakeholders including our Pasifika communities, service providers and Government departments on the perspectives of family violence and family wellness.

Finally in the outer most circle, aims to unite our key knowledge, learnings and community, to design and develop transformative family and healing centred programs.  Programs should foundation-ally work towards healing relationships and build to prevent family violence in our communities.

The strategy invites individuals, organisations and community groups to contribute, support and lend your area of expertise to which ever phase. The strategy promotes a culturally responsive strengths-based approach collaborative whole of community partnerships.